We believe that culture drives innovation, destiny and success
We believe that culture drives innovation, destiny and success
Bolan Minerals Investment (BMI) is one of the most trusted investment holding company with interests, subsidiaries, and portfolio companies. Our investments range from asset management, wealth management, private equity, venture capital, trade financing in mining and natural resources. Investment management is one of our key areas of professional money management. We provide maximum support and goal oriented schemes to exercise generic fund management.
BMI ensures fair and effective Investments in operating collieries in Balochistan and a treasured complement of resources in the evaluation and feasibility phases globally. Our project plans are future-oriented. Once the decision on the surface or underground mining is decided, the size will be determined or the depth. The life of mines is estimated to be more than twenty-five years. When we consider the short-term projects for one to three years which can be extendable to long-term will boost up the growth of BMI along with the investment schemes.
Our key concern is to emphasize strategic development through effective and workable ideas. BMI line up the marketing portfolio of investment through specific criteria. Looking into the existing projects, we can clearly observe that the accessibility to roads and ports are on the priority list. The investment plans cost effectively promotes the domestic and international markets, providing economic sustainability and development for the countries in which BMI operates.
Bolan Minerals Investment,
P.O Box: 445747
Dubai, UAE
Phone: +971 4 5573280
Fax: +971 4 2855612
Email: info@bolanminerals.com
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